DOCS has an active and friendly listserv where members ask questions and share ideas about how to handle issues with their students, faculty, and CS course or curriculum. While membership in DOCS is encouraged, it is not required to use the DOCS listserv.
The following list is a sampling of some of the topics discussed by the DOCS listserv community:
Accommodating disabled students
Attendance policies
Clinical competency committees
Clinical site variability and LCME requirements
Compensation for community preceptors
Criteria for promotions review
Electronic health record chart biopsy
End of year 2 competency OSCE
Helping students with inappropriate patients
Incorporating the electronic health record into the curriculum
Interprofessional education
Physical exam skills practice
Peer-to-peer clinical skills practice
Post-encounter notes
Remediation of clinical skills
Social determinants of health curricula
Standardized patient program resources
Step 2 CS
To subscribe to the DOCS listserv:
Send an email to: In the body of the message (not the subject line), enter:
Subscribe docs (your first name) (your last name)
* Note: please remove your automatic signature from the message body, as this will cause errors.
** Also note: subscription to the listserv is not the same as becoming a DOCS member.
To post to the listserv:
Send an email to:
To unsubscribe from the listserv:
Send an email to: In the body of the message (not the subject line), enter:
unsubscribe docs
*** Note: please remove your automatic signature from the message body, as this will cause errors.
Please note: In order to prevent our Listserv participants from being overwhelmed by surveys, DOCS has an official Survey Vetting and Approval Policy, which can be reviewed here. Please do NOT post surveys to the DOCS Listserv without first going through the Survey Vetting and Approval process.
DOCS Survey Vetting and Approval Policy
Scholarly products that are developed by surveying DOCS members and/or through collaborations fostered by DOCS should include a formal acknowledgement of the DOCS organization (see Policy on Acknowledging DOCS in Scholarly Work).