DOCS 2022 Annual Meeting
Reconnecting Communities of Educators & Faculty
DOCS 2022 Annual Meeting Programming
We want your feedback! Attendees - please provide us with your feedback on our annual meeting:
Feedback on this year's workshops: This survey is set to allow you to fill it out more than once, so once you complete it for one workshop, you can come back and click on it again and share feedback subsequently on the other two that you attended.
DOCS members - see the Members' Area of our website for access to DOCS 2022 session content.
Pre-Conference Activities:
Mentoring Meet & Greet: November 10th (6:30pm - 7:30pm) - By invitation only for participants in DOCS mentoring program: Join us for this mentoring event with your colleagues in DOCS.
General DOCS Membership Happy Hour: November 10th (7:30pm - 9pm): Join us for this informal gathering to meet your colleagues in DOCS. This event will occur at Decker & Dyer (at the Westin).
DOCS 2022 Program Overview: November 11th (8am - 5pm)
7:30am - 8:15am On-site Registration
Breakfast / Networking / Mentor-Mentee Discussions
8:15am - 8:30am Welcome / Opening Remarks
Dr. Rikki Ovitsh, DOCS President
8:30am - 9:15am Keynote Plenary: Building Communities of Practice: The role of
storytelling, Dr. Alice Fornari
With the story of DOCS as fuel for the success of communities of practice, Alice highlighted how quality storytelling, "influences change at both the individual and institutional levels," and "promotes better patient care while engendering greater understanding, empathy, and reflection."
DOCS members can access this presentation on the Members' only area of the website.
9:15am - 9:30am Break
9:30am - 11:00am Concurrent Workshops, Session A:
New Course Directors Track: Calling all New Course Directors: Confronting Challenges & Building Relationships
Session description: Through an interactive 90 minute workshop, participants will have the opportunity to meet other clinical skills course directors, share ideas on course curricular design, and discuss best practices and challenges. Participants will leave the workshop with ideas to carry forward into their own courses. This workshop is specifically geared towards those new to their role as a clinical skills course director and/or to those looking to develop innovative ideas for their own course.
Session objectives:
1. Form networking relationships with individuals in similar educational roles.
2. Share common and unique areas of content taught in clinical skill courses.
3. Brainstorm solutions to common challenges faced by clinical skills course directors.
4. Take away one new idea to implement within their course.
DOCS members can access resources and slides from this workshop on the Members' only area of the website.
Beyond “Read More”: Improving Your Clinical Reasoning Teaching and Feedback
Session description: To help learners understand—and clinicians to teach—clinical reasoning to improve retention and application Format: 5 minutes - speakers introduce themselves and roles in their institutions 20 min - intro to main concepts and visual exercise to highlight key terms 15 min - break out 1 (case 1) 15 min - report back case 1 15 min - break out (case 2) 15 min - report back case 2 - debrief reviewing techniques used to promote clinical reasoning 5 min - closing remarks/wrap-up/eval
Session objectives:
1. State the definitions of common clinical reasoning concepts
2. List relevant resources to teach clinical reasoning
3. Analyze challenging cases to highlight how to diagnose and manage the gaps in clinical reasoning skills in medical students
4. Explore educational techniques to promote clinical reasoning in medical students
DOCS members can access resources and slides from this workshop on the Members' only area of the website.
Antiracism and Clinical Skills Education
Session description: Racism critically impacts US healthcare, contributing to pervasive health inequities and shaping the hidden curriculum of medical education. To train future physicians to provide just, compassionate, and equitable care, clinical skills education must include antiracism training. This interactive workshop will begin by defining key concepts and core principles for understanding racism and the components of an antiracist clinical skills curriculum. Participants will then break into small groups to discuss the process of implementing changes around one of the following: 1. Development of antiracist content within clinical skills curriculum, 2. How to foster an antiracist learning environment, or 3. How to equip learners to respond to/cope with patient to provider bias. Each group will consider teaching modalities, resources, and anticipated challenges for their topic and share their ideas and knowledge with all participants. Pre-session preparatory material will be provided. Participants will receive an antiracism toolkit for future curriculum-building in their medical schools.
Session objectives:
1. Identify the historic and continuing role that racism plays in American healthcare and health inequities, and the vital importance of centering anti-racism within medical education
2. Acquire fundamental understanding of key concepts, including race as a social construction, white supremacy, systemic, structural, and institutional racism, and antiracism
3. Provide a framework for mindfully integrating antiracism into your teaching and curriculum.
4. Inspire and empower you to build a community that supports this work and provides accountability.
DOCS members can access resources and slides from this workshop on the Members' only area of the website.
11:00am - 12:50pm Lunch / Business Meeting
Rikki Ovitsh, DOCS President, provided wonderful leadership to DOCS this year and eloquently served as “Team-Captain" of the annual meeting. She updated the membership on all the exciting innovations and initiatives that have occurred under her stewardship this past year and jubilantly surprised Ron Silvestri with the DOCS Ronald Silvestri Clinical Skills Education Grant. The goal of this grant is to foster scholarship across the medical education community by encouraging collaboration across institutions or medical disciplines, something Ron has always been passionate about. Watch this video tribute to Ron. We were honored that Ron was able to join us remotely via Zoom to accept the honor. Watch Ron's message here.
During our lunch business meeting, vital reports were provided by DOCS leadership as well as colleagues from NBME and AAMC such as Stephen McKenzie , Nagaraj Gabbur, Katherine McOwen, and Chris Feddock. Then, Rikki passed the torch to our new Present, Danielle (Dani) Roussel. Congratulations Dani! We all look forward to working with you this year.
As Rikki discussed at the Annual Meeting, DOCS has created a new Clinical Skills Educator resource page on our website, now available in the DOCS members’ area. We would love to invite you to provide your recommendations to this new page—please click here.
DOCS members can access a recording of the Business Meeting presentation on the Members' only area of the website.
12:50pm - 2:20pm Concurrent Workshops, Session B:
New Course Director Track: Effective Case Writing Workshop: Demystifying clinical case development for educational activities
Session description: Effective case writing is foundational to the education and assessment of future health professionals. New and seasoned course directors often find this essential task challenging as this differs greatly from typical educational design and delivery and can be quite complex. In this workshop, we will guide participants through best practices of case writing for different types of educational activities, as well as discussing common pitfalls of case development and activity implementation. This workshop will employ active learning where participants will work through two different types of cases in order to learn the dynamics of effective case development.
Session objectives:
1. Describe the different types of cases used in health professions education.
2. Describe the essential components of writing a case.
3. Evaluate and critique a standardized patient case.
4. Describe common pitfalls and best practices of case writing.
DOCS members can access resources and slides from this workshop on the Members' only area of the website.
Pandemic Influences on Teaching and Assessing Communication Skills
Session description: The COVID-19 pandemic has altered our ability to interact with patients and teach clinical skills to medical students. As we come together again, telemedicine, masking, and social distancing remain medical and safety necessities. This workshop addresses common communication challenges brought about by the pandemic and provides the opportunity to share best practices in teaching communication skills and addressing patients’ unique communication needs. Participants will share their strategies for teaching and assessing communication skills in small groups after viewing brief video scenarios on telemedicine and in-person communication challenges. Participants will take away a current communication resource list and shared strategies on communication skills education in the COVID – 19 era.
Session objectives:
1. List 5 ways the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the teaching and assessment of communication skills.
2. Share some of the ways your school has adapted communication skills education during the pandemic regarding: telemedicine, masking, social distancing, professional attire.
3. Identify strategies for teaching about how to address some of the most common communication challenges brought about by the pandemic.
DOCS members can access resources and slides from this workshop on the Members' only area of the website.
A Stepwise Approach to Assessment of Clinical Reasoning Using a Post-Encounter Note
Session description: We are no longer bound to the Step 2 CS model for the post-encounter note (PEN) to assess clinical reasoning. Our interest group has created a rubric that any institution can adapt for their use in creation and assessment of the PEN. Focusing on the clerkship level student, we will review current literature in this area and introduce our rubric. We will then work in groups to address the utility and limitations of the domains usually included in the PEN and how best to assess them. Finally, we will share novel approaches to the PEN at our institutions.
Session objectives:
1. Review current literature related to assessment of clinical reasoning using the post-encounter note (PEN)
2. Discuss the post-encounter note rubric designed by the PEN-IG
3. Collaborate to optimize assessment of domains normally included in the PEN
DOCS members can access resources and slides from this workshop on the Members' only area of the website.
2:20pm - 2:30pm Break
2:30pm - 4:00pm Concurrent Workshops, Session C:
New Course Director Track: "That's not how I was taught it." Pitfalls and Struggles in Teaching the Physical Exam
Session description: We will share common struggles for teaching students to understand physical exam skills, including from our own institutions; discuss approaches to standardizing the teaching among different backgrounds/level of training; and discuss approaches to integrating foundational knowledge (anatomy, pathology, pathophysiology) to improve the clinical reasoning process. We will use a case example to have groups work together and discuss approaches to develop a physical exam session. Groups will design what would be the learner and teacher preparation (foundational material), session content, and post-session assessment.
Session objectives:
1. Recognize how the diversity and background of clinical skills educators can create challenges in standardizing the physical exam.
2. Integrate anatomy, pathology and pathophysiology to the clinical reasoning process during physical exam training.
3. Reflect on skills and techniques learned from other programs to improve approach to teaching the physical exam.
DOCS members can access resources and slides from this workshop on the Members' only area of the website.
Beyond the Numbers: Challenges in Competency Based Medical Education Assessment
Session description: Ideally in a competency based assessment system, we are able to tell a complete story about a student's progress through holistic assessment. In practice, there are many obstacles that can arise that may limit our success. These include barriers to honest feedback, balancing summative vs. formative feedback, collecting the "right" data at the "right" amount, bias in grading, collating and seeing patterns in data, and technical challenges, to name just a few. The goal of this workshop will be to highlight some of the barriers that exist, give examples of possible solutions from our own work, and work to brainstorm as a community.
Session objectives:
1. Describe potential barriers to successful implementation of competency based assessment systems
2. Discuss potential responses to the these challenges
3. Identify potential local solutions to challenges in your home environment
DOCS members can access resources and slides from this workshop on the Members' only area of the website.
Faculty Development for Communication Skills Education
Session description: In this workshop, we will explore faculty development strategies essential for peer evaluations following clinical skills educational activities. We will share some tools for peer observation and will engage in discussions around various scenarios to practice peer feedback to our colleagues and educators. We will consider how faculty development strategies differ across environments, including the clinical workplace, simulation, and the classroom. Participants will be provided scenarios and tools that can be used for faculty development at their home institution with a consideration of best practices for faculty development.
Session objectives:
1. Describe the action of completing a peer evaluation following an observed encounter.
2. Demonstrate the feedback techniques to provide quality feedback to peers following an observed activity.
3. Analyze the steps needed to recognize improvement following peer evaluation.
DOCS members can access resources and slides from this workshop on the Members' only area of the website.
4:00pm - 4:10pm Break
4:10pm - 5:00pm Poster Session / Networking / Mentor-Mentee Discussions
Congratulations to our Poster winners!
Audrey Hla, student prize
Listy Thomas, faculty research prize
Gabrielle Goldberg, faculty innovation prize
Posters area available for viewing on the Members' only area of the website..